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World Metrology Day

There is no quality without metrology in food laboratories 

On 20th May, the World Metrology Day was celebrated to commemorate the signing of the Metre Convention in Paris, in 1875, which established a common system of unit measurement known as the International System of Units (SI). 

The theme for the World Metrology Day 2021 is “Measurement for Health”. The theme was chosen to create awareness on the important role of measurement for health and, therefore, human wellbeing.

Metrology plays an essential role in scientific research and innovation, industrial manufacturing, international trade, improvement of the quality of life, and protection of the environment.

“There is no quality without metrology in food laboratories”, stated Margarita Corrales, Food Safety Coordinator at the Pan American Center for Foot and Mouth Disease and Veterinary Public Health of the Pan American Health Organization. 

“Metrology is the science of measurement and it is extremely important that measurements at laboratories are reliable to ensure product quality, increase the awareness of customers, and support objectivity in decision-making”, added Dr. Corrales, at the opening of the virtual seminar organized by the Interamerican Network of Food Analysis Laboratories (INFAL).

The seminar, attended by members of the INFAL, addressed topics such as the importance of adequate measurement in food production, introduced by Verónica Ponticorbo from LATU, Uruguay, and metrology for the industry and the society, presented by Patricia Gatti, from INTI, Argentina.

The World Metrology Day project is organized jointly by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) and the Organisation Internationale de Métrologié Légale (OIML). 

Image: BIPM and OIML

You can view the complete seminar: here